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Once Upon A Time Season 4: Cruella Dies After She Falls Off The Cliff, Is There A Salvation For Her?
Cruella kidnapped Henry, she demands the Author killed in exchange for Henry's life. Apparently, Cruella was killed by Emma's power to zap her off from the cliff.
The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 20 Updates: Alicia Disgusted And Bids Politics Goodbye
The controversies surrounding the triumph of Alicia Florrick in the State Attorney’s election does not come cheap. Now more than ever, she faces accusations of fraud backed up by fabricated evidence that can ultimately damage her reputation if she decides to stick to the position she fought hard to win.
The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 20 Spoilers: Florrick Says Goodbye to Politics For Good?
After all of Alicia Florrick’s hurdles to get the State Attorney position, she received nothing in the end but false accusations and fabricated evidence. The Good Wife’s The Deconstruction show just how much the woman can take and she may end up bidding the position goodbye.
Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness Trailer, Screenshots Show Glimpse of Universe-wide Gameplay
Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessness is the next title for the Star ocean franchise, which is one of the best story Square-Enix and Tri-Ace has ever made. New screenshots show a beautiful glimpse of an epic adventure that spans entire worlds and galaxies.