Your network is equal to your net worth: Soon, Facebook can approve loans based on your friends' credit scores
Facebook patented a social network system that could advance search results, identify spam messages and sort offensive topics. It could also distinguish if a potential borrower is capable of paying debts through the user's network connections.
Look forward to your retirement: Some tips on how to retire smarter
Retirees typically are concerned with their income and safety when old age comes. And while there are plenty of retirement investments to choose from, choosing one can be confusing and not to mention daunting. Finance experts consider market investments a better choice for a safer retirement than insurance products.
‘Community’ Axed After Season 6? Yahoo Isn’t Over Yet, Probable Movie Could Happen
After Season 6, it is not yet decided if 'Community' will be airing on TV. "Community" has been axed after six seasons. TV star Joel McHale and comedian Ken Jeong shared the reason for ending the series.
Azealia Banks K. Michelle Beefing on Twitter Started on Cancelled Tour
Azealia Banks and K. Michelle beef started after K. Michelle cancelled their supposed U.S. tour this year.