'Outlander' Season 2 Cast Update: Who will take the role of Brianna? EP Maril Davis debunks rumors
The famed series “Outlander” is currently running on its second season and each episode are more enticing and more captivating. Indeed the rumors are prevalent indicating the role of Brianna.
Supernatural Season 11 Ep. 6 Spoilers: Winchester brothers plan to kill Amara; Castiel seeks Metatron's help
Episode 6 called Our Little World of Supernatural Season 11 will see the return of a more human Metatron, Sam and Dean prepares to kill Amara and its body, Crowley plays father to Amara.
Once Upon A Time Season 5 Ep. 8 Two-Hour Special to Reveal The Dark One Plans; Mulan and Red Return
The two-hour special of Once Upon A Time Season 5 Episode 8 entitled Birth will expose dark one's ultimate plans, Mulan and Red to help Merida in a mission, and Emma fused Excalibur in recap of Episode 7.
Star Citizen News: Fan admits spending $30,000 for title; Alpha 2.0 features include flight mode, Quantum Travel, and more
Cloud Imperium Games' Star Citizen currently holds the throne as the most tolerated title in terms of crowd-funding. Surely enough, there are fans that want to take their adoration of the game to the extreme.