'The Librarians' Season 2 Premiere Recap: 'And the Drowned Book'
"The Librarians" Season 2 premiered last Sunday, November 1 with much excitement and magic as with the first instalment. It kicked off with "And the Drowned Book" in a two-hour special following the team of Librarians having gone their separate ways and reuniting again for a new mission.
Brad Pitt's World War Z 2 Gets Release Date; JA Bayona Still On Board Despite Directorial Offer for 'Jurassic World 2'
Utopia tv series creator Dennis Kelly is officially on board to write the latest draft for World War Z 2. Director J.A. Bayona is still on board despite being courted for Jurassic World 2. The incident reportedly sparked fire in Paramount which caused them to decide to keep the director happy.
Man of Steel 2 Update:George Miller not returning as director; David Goyer defends Superman's decision to kill Zod
Warner Bros is eyeing on a possible Man of Steel 2. Director George Miller admitted that he's not interest to helm the project, while it is also believed that the studio is currently focused on extending the universe than focus on specific heroes. Meanwhile, David Goyer also explained Superman's decision to kill Zod in the previous film.
Street Fighter 5 PS4 2.3GB Patch Now Live, Includes Gouken, Ken, and Ryu in Story Mode Tutorial Video
A video tutorial of Street Fighter 5 which is a part of the 2.3 gigabyte update of the beta for PS4 users has gone online and it is presented with a story mode that features Gouken along with Ken and Ryu.