Deploying A$16 million of shark-detecting technology in South Wales, Australia will keep predators at bay
It seems like technology came too late for Martin Brody from the movie Jaws. The government of New South Wales, Australia spent big on advanced technology that can detect sharks to keep beachgoers safe this summer.
Hands-free technology for drivers isn't less distracting, AAA Foundation study shows
A recent study from AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that hands-free technologies are not less distracting on the road for drivers.
IBM's announcement of SEC investigation leads to market value drop
IBM has just released news that the IT company is currently under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission on its accounting procedures in the US, Ireland, and Britain.
Morgan Stanley's Trading Revenue Dropped in the Third Quarter
Morgan Stanley reported a big miss in the third quarter profit as a result of a decline in their trading and private equity business. Although they have shifted their focus on business segment with less risk, global economic slowdown has hit Morgan Stanley and other US banks this quarter.