Tags: Arrow

'Arrow' star Stephen Amell willing to leave DC show for a Marvel movie?

Is Stephen Amell willing to leave his successful TV show 'Arrow' to star in a Marvel movie?

'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 10 Update: First Trailer For Mid-Season Premiere Released, Stephen Ammel Clarifies Death Of Major Character

'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 10 is the mid-season premiere of the show. A teaser trailer has been released.

'Arrow' Season 4 Episode 9 Update: Felicity Is In Danger; Will She Die In The Fall Finale?

The fall finale of 'Arrow' Season 4 will see Felicity in danger. Damien Darhk is apparently responsible for this.

Arrow Season 4 Episode 9 spoilers: Damien Darhk strikes back against Oliver Queen and Team Arrow

The CW's synposis of the winter finale, 'Dark Waters,' hints that Darhk will unleash a fatal blow against Oliver Queen in one public celebration

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Actress Candice Patton’s Iris West won’t play a huge part in the CW’s upcoming series, “Legends of Tomorrow” despite the importance of her character in “The Flash”. However, new characters will be introduced in return including Connor Hawke when the highly-anticipated crossover premieres on 2016.
Microsoft has released its latest Android launcher, the Arrow. This launcher features faster and easy access to applications as well as lets the users customize their home screens.
The upcoming episode “Beyond Redemption” sheds light on Sara Lance and the side effects of the Lazarus Pit after she was resurrected. The episode will also highlight Oliver Queen’s political ambition.
John Barrowman officially returns in "Arrow" Season 4 and Matt Ryan confirms that he will reprise his role as Constantine. Other than that, the synopsis for episode 3 has been posted.
A teaser ahead of the premiere of 'Arrow' season 4 was released. It remains unknown whose grave was visited towards the end of episode 1.
Arrow season 4 opened by introducing a new bunch of mysterious storylines. Showrunners Wendy Mericle and Marc Guggenheim have previewed some of the highlights including: the unnamed person who dies in the time jump, the flashback featuring the island of Lian Yu and the twist surrounding Det. Lance and villain Damien Dahrk.
Thea is the next member of Team Arrow and she has debuted her Speedy suit in a recent photo released. More spoilers have also been revealed for "Arrow" season 4.
'Arrow' fourth season premiere sneak peek has been released. Photos for its second episode have also been revealed.
'Arrow' Season 4 will reveal more villains such as Damien Darhk and Mister Terrific. In a new teaser trailer released, Oliver was heard saying he will fight for the city.
Arthur Darvill will be the newest time traveller on American television as Rip Hunter on “The Flash” and “Arrow” spinoff “Legends of Tomorrow.” Despite the resemblance of his character to The Doctor of BBC’s “Doctor Who,” Darvill clarified that two are very different charcaters.
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