Tags: Castle season 8

Kate’s pregnancy won’t happen in 'Castle' Season 8; Rick, Kate struggle with their secret affair

The upcoming scenes of 'Castle' Season 8 confirmed that Kate's pregnancy will never happen. Furthemore, it appears that the couple, Rick and Kate will hide their covert relationship from their peers and families.

'Castle' Season 8 Update: Showrunners Explain Why Kate Won't Be Pregnant, Caskett Track Down Killer

'Castle' Season 8 will see Castle and Beckett tracking down a killer together. The showrunners also shut down rumors that she is pregnant.

‘Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Rick’s emotions surge high as he rekindles relationship with Kate

‘Castle' Season 8 Spoilers have revealed the upcoming mending of the relationship between Rick and Kate. Furthermore, the two couple can expect more challenges as they try to restore their relationship and work together to solve crimes.

'Castle' Season 8 Fall Finale Spoilers: Rick, Kate’s Marriage Fake? What’s the Connection to LOKSAT?

Castle' Season 8 episodes will focus more on the relationship between Rick Castle and Kate. Also, teasers have revealed of the couple's desire to fix whatever is left of their marriage and to rebuild trust one more.

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The separation of Richard Castle and Kate Beckett triggered possible cancellation of Castle Season 8 while spoilers for episode 7 sees a divorce for the couple.
'Castle' Season 8, Episode 7 spoilers will really take each passing moment with much edge and thrills as the characters hunt the killer, Beckett comes back to the show and Rick trying to be romantic in love.
'Castle' Season 8 is rumored to be cancelled. Also, episode 6 of the show will not be aired tonight.
Adam Baldwin finally comes back in"Castle" Season 8. His character Ethan Slaughter is set to appear in episode 6. On the other hand, the executive producers spilled some details about the show's upcoming episode. It has also been reported that episode 5 received low ratings
'Castle' showrunners have decided that it is best for Kate Beckett and Rick Castle to split after the two episodes of Season 8 premiered. Nathan Fillion defended the showrunners' decision.
'Castle' showrunner Alexi Hawley finally reveals some details about Rick and Kate's break-up. Other than that, Aubrey Plaza joins the cast as a robot. She will be portraying the character of Lucy.
test editRick and Kate finds themselves in a case involving the death of a reclusive author in the next week’s episode of “Castle” titled, “What Lies Beneath.” The couple is still facing their marital issue as Beckett continues to ask for some time. Will the two get a divorce?
'Castle' Season 8 is rumored to be cancelled. The premiere episode of the ABC series shows Kate Beckett being saved by a surprise family member.
'Castle' season 8 episode 2 will see Kate lying to Rick. Hayley will be bringing wit and sass to this show's season.
Photos from the set of "Castle" season 8 and it has been revealed that Kate Beckett's promotion will be celebrated by the precinct. The synopsis for the first two episodes have also been released.
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