Tags: Microsoft
Nasdaq nears all-time highs as exuberance yields to reason
As the technology-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index closes in on the all-time high it reached in March 2000, investors are facing a market that barely resembles the go-go era of 15 years ago.
‘Fallout 4’ PS4, Xbox One Release Date, Rumors: Bethesda to dazzle fans in E3 with ‘Fallout 4,’ insider tweets fearless forecast
Much hype has been brewing about "Fallout 4." Now an industry insider had also placed his bet on E3 as Bethesda's finest hour.
‘Tom Clancy’s The Division’ PS4, Xbox One Release Leak: Graphics runs at 1080P in PS4? Ubisoft speaks up on Tweet issue
Ubisoft made clear that they would be making versions of "Tom Clancy's The Division" that would look great on a variety of game consoles.
Sony’s PlayStation 4 Beats Microsoft’s Xbox One in Sales; ‘Dying Light’ Tops in All Game Consoles
Play Station 4 regains winning streak over Xbox One in January 2015 after it reigned for two months--November and December. Meanwhile, Dying Light, which can be played both on Xbox One and PS4, and Interactive, tops in all game consoles.