Tags: OnePlus Two Specs Rumor

OnePlus Is Again In The Picture With Their OnePlus 2 Unit, Which Is Dubbed As The iPhone Killer

Apple and Samsung were the front liners with regards to smartphones. Time and time again, they have proved to their competitors that it takes more than a cheap priced smartphone for them to get beaten. But, a little over year ago, a not so popular phone manufacturer, OnePlus, shook the industry when they introduced the excellently packed OnePlus One smartphone at a very cheap price. Recently, the company is on the hunt again, when they officially announced that they will be releasing the OnePlus One's predecessor, the OnePlus 2.

OnePlus Two Invite-Only Release: Price Set at $400 Range at Q3 Launch

OnePlus will be releasing the successor to the flagship killer at the Q3 of this year. Retaining its Invite-Only strategy, the OnePlusTwo will be one of the anticipated smartphones of this year but set at an affordable price.

OnePlus Two Release: Price Sets at $400; OnePlus One Android 5.1.1 Lollipop Powered by BlissPop Release includes Custom ROM

OnePlus is keeping up with the trade in the smart phone market. As the OnePlus Two release has been confirmed with a price set at $400. However, OnePlus One gets an Android Lollipop update with the aid of BlissPop.

OnePlus Two Release: To run with the Android-based OxygenOS; Estimated 3Q Release

The company that had created the flagship killer will be releasing on the 3Q of the year, the OnePlus Two. Due to its recent fallout with Cyanogen, OnePlus Two will run with the android-based Oxygen OS.

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OnePlus Two will continue on producing a high end device with its new metallic frame. OnePlus Two is anticipated to be released on the Q2 or Q3 of 2015 and will still retain its invite only strategy.
OnePlus Two might be retaining its Invite Only strategy on its 2Q or 3Q release. The next flagship killer is expected to run on either Android or Oxygen. The OnePlus Two will be sporting a metallic frame.
OnePlus, the known flagship killer, will be releasing its OnePlus Two. The Chinese mobile phone will run on Oxygen OS instead of Cyanogen.
As OnePlus and Cynogen had parted ways, OnePlus had produced their own Oxygen Os to power its OnePlus Two smart phone. The OnePlus Two is to sport a Qualcomm Snapgdragon 810 and will be released some time in September and October.
OnePlus Two will be revamped to a metal design similar to Samsung Galaxy S6. Probable release date will be on the third quarter of the year.
This year OnePlus intends to become a massive success that it was in 2014 by using the same elements of surprise: a pretty phone with specs boosts for a very friendly price.