Tags: PlayStation Vita

Minecraft 1.21 Patch Brings Halloween 2015 Mash-Up With New Skins, Fixes Bugs; Xbox 360 TU18 Update Worries Fans

The recently released 1.21 Patch update of the popular sandbox game Minecraft includes new skins, Halloween 2015 Mash-up and fixes bugs. Minecraft has also published a video teaser for the Halloween Mash-Up Pack. Meanwhile, the new update for Minecraft Xbox 360 TU18 causes worries to the fans.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Comes Out with Mysterious Guild Trailer; Game is Set in Svart Alfheim

The action roleplaying game Sword Art Online: Lost Song comes out with a story trailer of Mysterious Guild few weeks before its scheduled release in November.

PlayStation Store Announces Sale Of The Dead; Week One Features Games With Up to 65% Discount

In line with the Halloween season, PlayStation Store reportedly revealed the Sale of the Dead. Games with 65 percent discounts will be featured in week one of the sale.

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 Update: First Gameplay Trailer Full of Butt and Bust Battle; To be Released in Collector’s Editions on February 2016

The first gameplay trailer of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 was released and it featured beautiful sexy ladies playing volleyball and bumping butts. Xtreme 3 comes in Collector's Editions and will be available in Japan on February 25, 2016.

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Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes had been waiting for this, what'll be next? While others are still hyped upon the release of Disney Infinity last September in several parts of America, Europe and Australia, Disney Interactive has finally launched Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes, also marketed for release as Disney Infinity 2.
The Gal Gun Double Peace is the second installment of the Gal Gun game which was released on 2011. The sequel is to make a summer debut this year. The game is updated with love expression features and 70 total of girls.
Sony had released the 2nd Generation PS Vita Slim. Given the numerous choices out there for the market, here are some of the specs you would encounter if you use the Vita Slim.
Sony has just revealed with free games will be available in November to Playstation Plus subscribers.
Sony has just announced another slate of free games for PS Plus members, including copies of "Batman: Arkham Asylum," "The Binding of Isaac" and "Spelunky."
Thanks to new reports, we now know that "The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 5" will be releasing in September, along with significant leaked plot details.
Japan-based games developer Cygames, the creator of top-grossing mobile game Rage of Bahamut, invested around $680,000 (JPY70 million) in Miracle Positive, the developer of Japanese indie game Airship Q.