Tags: Tony Stark

‘Captain America: Civil War’ Update: Reveals Who is Teamed Up With Who; ‘Ant Man’ to Possibly Feature

Captain America: Civil War mght have Ant Man. It reveals who sided with whom. The major plot of the movie was already known all over the internet. Fans know that the Avengers will be divided but now, we get to know who sided with whom.

'Iron Man 4' Updates: Robert Downey Jr. returns as Tony Stark, only with a pay raise? Ty Simpskins ready to wear the iron suite if RDJ declines role

Robert Downey Jr. still garnered the top spot for being the highest paid actor. He will most likely be so for another few years or so if he chooses to continue wearing the iron suite in upcoming sequel “Iron Man 4.” Director Shane Black Confirms RDJ still to be Tony Stark.

'Iron Man 4' officially out in Marvel Cinematic Universe? Robert Downey Jr. says it all

In the coming Marvel Cinematic Universe phase 3 'Iron Man 4' is not included, and there are no confirmations from either Robert Downey Jr. or Marvel executives. But let's not worry, maybe it's scheduled already but not just until 2019.

‘Captain America: Civil War’ Spoilers: Sebastian Stan’s Photo Teases Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark’s Partnership

"Captain America: Civil War" star Sebastian Stan recently teased his character, Bucky Barnes' alliance with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.).

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After walking out of Channel 4’s interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy, Robert Downey Jr. finally spoke on what he thought about the interview. Downey Jr. made a comment that Guru-Murthy is a ‘bottom-feeding mucracker.’ Meanwhile, with the absence of ‘Iron Man 4’ on Marvel’s line-up, could there still be a chance that fans could watch the movie sooner?
Robert Downey, Jr. just called independent filmmakers "inexperienced and lame" while explaining why he won't star in low-budgeted movies. Meanwhile, the release of "Iron Man4," Downey Jr's major movie to date, is still uncertain as Marvel has not yet announced any confirmation about the fate of the iron-suited hero.
Fans can now expect "Captain Marvel" to hit the theaters on 2018. However, Marvel has denied the heroine some screentime in their upcoming movies. Storyline suggestions for Carol Danver's standalone film poured online including the possible reunion with Tony Stark.
Marvel is yet to confirm if Robert Downey, Jr. will comeback to reprise his role as Tony Stark in "Iron Man 4". It appears that the actor is currently on contract with the company for only two more Marvel films.
'Avengers: Age of Ultron' is still a month away, but fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe already have theories that stretch as far as 'Avengers: Infinity War.' Will Tony hold the key to defeating Thanos with his arc reactor being an Infinity Stone?
Hulk solo poster now made public following Iron Man and Team posters. Calibrated approach to Avengers 2 teaser releases praised.
One of the highlights of 'Captain America: Civil War' is the appearance of two Marvel superheroes in the film, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. Robert Downey Jr said in an interview that apart from Marvel wants him, he also signed up for the film because he's "crazy about Chris Evans."
“Iron Man 4” is still under pre-production and Marvel is carefully planning the schedule of their Marvel Cinematic Universe. Robert Downey Jr. recently revealed in an interview the plans of the film producers in MCU’s Phase 3.
Marvel doesn't have any official plans for "Iron Man 4," but that hasn't stopped its stars from talking about it.
Over a year before its release, production of the third Cap movie, "Captain America: Civil War," are in the works with Robert Downey Jr. joining in the fun.
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