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‘Final Fantasy Type-0 HD’ Latest Update: Improved Summons for PS4, Xbox One; Will ‘Final Fantasy XV’ Demo Get Later Release Date?
“Final Fantasy Type-0 HD” is coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One this March. Game gets a gorgeous facelift from its PSP edition and gameplay will never be the same again.
The Bachelor Season 19 Recap: Ashley confesses virginity inside Chris' tent; Jade enjoys Cinderella-like date with Prince Farming
In the 4th episode of The Bachelor season 19, Ashley I and Becca confessed their virginity. Jade, who also confessed that she once engaged before, shared Cinderella like date with The Bachelor Chris Soules.
Taylor Swift Nude Photos Leak – "Shake It Off" Songstress Responds With Hilarious Jokes
Taylor Swift's just been hacked on Twitter and Instagram, and her response is absolutely hilarious.
"Ghostbusters" Cast, Reboot, Premiere: Bill Murray's Classic Introduces All-Female Main Leads; Who Are the New Ghostbusters?
Ready to meet your new team of Ghostbusters? Well, Sony and director Paul Feig have just announced which four actresses will be strapping on proton packs and bustin' ghosts in the upcoming sequel to the Bill Murray classic.