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“The Originals” Season 2 Spoilers: Episode 12 "Sanctuary" features Wolf Ritual Endangering Hayley’s Life; Is this the End for Her Wolf Clan?
Hayley is torn between keeping herself alive and keeping her promise to bring honor back to her wolf clan. Klaus is definitely on the lose to keep her safe once more. Two important people for Divina are in grave danger. She promptly stands up and prepare herself for far.
‘Iron Man 4’ Release Date, Cast: Robert Downey Jr. decides to exit as replacement comes in; 'Age of Ultron' success expected
“Iron Man 4” is still years away before it may be produced. However, recent rumors circulate that Robery Downey, Jr. may not reprise his role and it may be a major game changer for the film franchise.
‘Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’ Release Date Update: Kojima Production to make big announce for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC: New Game Features on Multiplayer Option
“Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” will be released soon according to Kojima Production. The game will include new features on Multiplayer.
'The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt' Expansion Packs to be Released Free of Charge; Game Currently Available for Pre-Orders
CD Projekt Red mad it clear that they will be 16 downloadable expansion packs for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. While the Game is scheduled to be released in mid-May, this year, they're offering the DLCs for free.