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Vin Diesel's "The Last Witch Hunter" Already Working On A Sequel?
Vin Diesel is Kaulder in his upcoming movie "The Last Witch Hunter." Kaulder is a witch hunter who has been cursed with immortality after slaying the Queen of the Witches. The film is slated on October 23 but Universal is already offering a sequel to Diesel.
Spectre Update: Sam Mendes Revealed That Spectre Will Be The Beginning Of The Story Of "James Bond"
"Spectre" director Sam Mendes has revealed that the movie will showcase the story behind how Bond became Bond. He stated that "Spectre" will finally provide background for a character. The film opens in the US on November 6 and in the UK on October 26.
Witcher 3 Developer Suggests to Other Studios for Free DLC to be the Norm, Released 16 pieces for the open-world game
CD Projekt Red made a call to other studios to do similar campaigns - to make free DLC become the standard in the whole gaming industry, and not the exception.
Android 6.0 Marshmallow Confirmed; Third Developer Version Released
It's official that the latest Android version will be called Marshmallow. While it is not yet officially released to the public, a developer preview version is already available.