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'Expendables 4' Cast, Update: Hulk Hogan rumored to be the new villain
The fourth installment of "The Expendables" franchise is not yet confirmed. But because Hulk Hogan, Jason Statham, and Arnold Schwarzenegger expressed their interest in making an "Expendables 4," all hope is not lost for many action fans.
'Transformers 5' Update, Spoilers: Will there be A 'G.I. Joe" crossover? Optimus Prime rumored to die with 'Walking Dead,' 'Daredevil' writers on board
The fifth instalment of the billion-dollar franchise promises to bring more action with the return of its original director Michael Bay and the addition of writers from "The Walking Dead" and "Daredevil." Rumors are saying that fans might have to say farewell to a known hero and say hello to new ones.
'Fifty Shades of Grey' Star Dakota Johnson's 'Chloe & Theo' To Focus On The Environment
"Chloe & Theo," a film focusing on the real life of Theo Ikummaq, will also star Dakota Johnson. Veering away from her bondage role in "50 Shades of Grey," the actress joins the Innuit people in fighting the effects of climate change.
NBA 2K16 News Round-up: TOP 3 newest game features revealed by 2K Sports
As NBA 2K16 is inching closer towards its big debut this September, the hype continues among the fans with the latest top three game features revealed so far 2K Sports has announced the classic teams, Kevin Durant has shared new screenshots of himself including his player rating and an new teaser video of Anthony Davis called 'Rise' is released.