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Transformers 5 Spoilers, News: Unicron, Ultra Magnus to appear in next installment? Michael Bay returns to get behind director's chair
Transformers 5 is expected to appear in the big screen as Michael Bay was recently confirmed to direct the upcoming sequel. While details are scarce for the film's plot, rumors suggest that it might include the demise of Optimus Prime. Ultra Magnus and Unicron are also rumored to appear in the movie.
Giuliana Rancic bids E! News goodbye: Is she getting a Ferrari like Kylie Jenner after signing off the show?
Giuliana Rancic exited E!News on Monday. The former E! News anchor will be replaced by Maria Menounos but she will still continue her scoop on Fashion Police. On her upcoming birthday, many are speculating that she will receive a Ferrari just like what Tyga got for Kylie Jenner's birthday.
Philanthropist Avril Lavigne part of the upcoming disney film "Charming"
Avril Lavigne is set to be part of the upcoming Disney film "Charming." She will be one of the three princesses; as the voice of Snow White. On the other hand, Avril sponsors children with disabilities to join summer camp in US and Canada.
Rob Kardashian doesn't want to be a Kardashian anymore, fears papparazi and becoming part of the crowd
Rob Kardashian apparently does not want to belong in his family anymore basing on his acts and behavior toward them. However, his family is still reaching out for him, though he always ignores them. According to reports, Rob does not want to be part of his family circus.