Trending News

Google Android OS Prone To A Simple Text Hack?

Android OS is prone to hacking with just a single text message, claims a security research company, Zimperium.

Jennifer Lawrence’s ‘The Rosie Project’ eyes Director Richard Linklater

Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence will star in a film adaptation of Graeme Simsion's 'The Rosie Projesct'. Sony Pictures is eyeing Oscar nominated director of 'Boyhood' Richard Linklater.

Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ Images Unveil Larger Display, Gold Design, and More

New leaked images of Samsung S6 Edge+ surfaced over the Internet recently as the latest Samsung flagship smartphone nears its rumored launch this August.

iPhone 6S, iPhone 7 Release Head-to-Head with Galaxy Note 5 this Q3 2015

With outstanding third quarter results in this fiscal year, Apple is expected to prepare a much bigger launch of its next flagship iPhone, possibly this September.

Latest News

GoPro is showing an amazing feat in the market and we have all these info to back that up. With the market power being generated by GoPro right now, this action camera brand have got its critics thinking.
Now that Bobbi Kristina Brown is already pronounced dead, Brown's conservator filed a lawsuit against Gordon. He was accused of the foul play and stealing of Brown's money. On the other hand, Gordon is very regretful and sad. Here's what stars have to say following her death.
The upcoming instalment of the Bourne franchise is underway and casting is currently going on for the sequel as it nears its 2016 release. A new addition has also been made to the Bourne 5 cast with Oscar-winner Tommy Lee Jones.
Ridley Scott's sci-fi film, The Martian, will soon hit theaters, but will first be screened in the 40th Toronto Film Festival. New images have also been released for the movie as it is the cover of Total Film Magazine's current issue.
‘Warcraft’ director Duncan Jones plans further sequels for the game franchise – turning it into a trilogy. The upcoming film’s official trailer is also set for release on November.
Bandai Namco has confirmed that Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 is coming to GamesCom 2015 this August and will be playable along with From Software's Dark Souls 3. Meanwhile, a UK retailer offers discounts on pre-order for Collector's Edition release in Europe.
Online rumors are rife surrounding the imminent release of GTA 5 Online Heists Lottery and Gambling DLC coming from prolific leaksters who reportedly created concept videos that have just surfaced on YouTube.
Showtime has announced Homeland Season 5 will start airing on October 5. The setting of the new storyline will be in Berlin, Germany
NCIS Los Angeles Season 7 will guest Michael Weatherly in a crossover episode. The season premiere is scheduled for September 21.
The team behind NBC’s hit sci-fi TV series Heroes is finally kicking off the said series’ spin-off title by unveiling the official Heroes reborn poster as well as revealing more about the new cast and characters that will be in the new series. In addition, cast members from Heroes will also be reprising their old roles for the show.
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