Trending News
‘Ghostbusters 3’ Update: Paul Feig focused on all-female reboot with Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones
Paul Feig turns down the offer of directing traditional "Ghostbusters 3" to focus on an all-female reboot of the franchise involving Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, and Saturday Night Live stars Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones.
'Daredevil' Season 2 Update: Elektra is coming to Marvel's hit Netflix series
Elektra is rumored to appear on the next season of Marvel's hit Netflix series "Daredevil" after two audition videos were recently leaked via Twitter.
'Daddy's Home' Update: Paramount Pictures Sets A December 25 Release For Mark Wahlber and Will Ferrell's Upcoming Comedy Film
Paramount Pictures has recently announced that the forthcoming comedy film of Mark Wahlber and WIll Ferrell, "Daddy's Home", is set to hit theaters on December 25, 2015.
"Macbeth" First Trailer Release: Shakespearean Tragedy With Michael Fassbender, Premieres October 2 This Year
The frist trailer of the Shakesperean tragedy "Macbeth" has been finally released, showing Michael Fassbender as one of English playwright's most bloodthirsty tragic heroes.The film adaptation is set to premiere later this year on October 2.