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GTA Online DLC Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 high end purchases, post heist San Andreas; Release date set next week

GTA V's GTA Online DLC Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 featuring luxury goods will be released next week according to Rockstar Games.

‘Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu No F’ Spoilers, US Release Date And Screening Location Updates, IMDB Scores Beat Furious 7

Dragon Ball Z: Fukkatsu No F updates includes US movie release dates along with a way to get fresh news on screening locations. The movie’s popularity has even surpassed Furious 7 numbers, with movie fans rating the anime 9.1 versus FF7 7.7 (via IMDB).

LG G5 Release Date, Specs: Iris Recognition Technology vs Fingerprint Scanner; Next Logical Step in Mobile Banking

LG G5 is making the fingerprint scanner advanced by both Samsung and Apple old with its iris recognition technology. With such a stunning feature this flagship product is bound to be a real game-changer in the smartphone induistry - most especially in mobile banking.

‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ and ‘Avengers Assemble’ TV Series Update: Disney XD Renews Marvel’s Shows for New Seasons

The two TV series from Disney XD ‘Ultimate Spider-Man’ and ‘Avengers Assemble’ have been renewed for new seasons. The said new seasons will premiere next year. Get the complete details here.

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Homeland is set to return with its fifth season and it looks like a lot of new stuff is in store for the fans of the show. Aside from new location, new characters will also be introduced on the upcoming season of the show.
Grimm slated to return for 5th season. Nick likely to forgive Trubel for killing Juliet. Juliette not likely to end up being alive.
Editor of the TV series, 'Game of Thrones', Katherine Chappell was attacked by a lion at the Lion Park, South Africa on Monday. Chappell died on the scene.
Guy Richie's Knights of the Round Table is currently being worked on, and actor Charlie Hunnam, shares that he is in fact a fan of the story of the Knights of the Round Table. The movie is a part of a six-film series which will largely be about chivalry, bravery, and love.
Godzilla is coming back real soon to its country, Japan, as a Godzilla movie is soon to be created. The movie is hoped to acquire lots of support from fans, and become a hit even in Hollywood.
King Kong fans are probably excited for the upcoming movie 'Kong: Skull Island', might reveal King Kong's origin. Expectations rise as Tom Hiddleston dishes details about the movie.
The Disney movie "Tangled" will be converted to an animated T.V. series. The show will premiere by 2017 on Disney Channel.
Sense8, a new TV series is ready to hit the Netflix on June 5 with its 12 episodes on its first season.
The Blacklist Season 3 will not focus on the romantic plot in the series. Season 3 will also "answer questions" says Ryan Eggold.
Criminal Minds Season 11 confirms that Jennifer Love Hewitt and AJ Cook will be leaving the show and shares the reason of their departure. Fans fear that Beyond Border, spin off Criminal Minds, might get cancelled due to the departure of Anna Gunn.