Trending News
The "Minions' Movie Update: New Trailer released; Sandra Bullock joins as the mysterious Super Villain
The little trio Kevin, Bob and Stuart will set on a journey to fnd the baddest villain of them all. Featuring the voice of Sandra Bullock as the first-ever female super villain, the "Minions" will come to serve her.
David Letterman's final three episodes due next week; Tom Hanks, Eddie Vedder, Bill Murray last few guest to bid farewell
David Letterman will bid us goodbye next week as he will be off cam for good. Next week, three episodes will be aired that's full of surprises and musical performances.
Top 10 Most Anticipated Games at E3: Big title line-up includes Elder Scrolls 6, Fallout 4; Uncharted 4, Scalebound, Until Dawn and a lot more
Check out the Top 10 Most Anticipated Games at E3 which will be on June 16 to 18 this year; and see if your favorite games are on it.
P.O.D. dropping new single this month; New Album slated for August 21 release; NA tour kicks off in June
Christian band P.O.D. will soon be dropping a new single this month in preparation for their August 21 album release. Their North American tour kicks off in June in Indiana.