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12.9-inch iPad Pro Rumors Roundup: New silver nano-coated touch screen, 2560 x 1920 pixels, Force Touch, stylus, and more
Apple’s 12.9-inch iPad Pro is set to offer improved user experience as the device is rumored to have a new AgNW silver nano wire coating, 2560 x 1920 resolution, Force Touch, and other killer specs. The iPad Pro is set for a mid-to-late third quarter mass production.
The Voice Season 8 Finale Predictions: Will Sawyer win minus Team Christina's power house bets?
The Voice Season 8 finale is coming up next week and predictions point to an easy win for Sawyer Fredericks. Christina Aguilera's powerhouse R&B belters can no longer give Sawyer stiff competition with the elimination of India Carney last week.
HTC Butterfly 3 Unveiled in Japan as HTC J Butterfly HTV31; Features and Specs to Beat ALL Other Smartphones?
HTC Butterfly 3 is now officially HTC J Butterfly HTV31 a power-packed smartphone to beat all other phones in the market. Its currently exclusive to Japanese customers, hopefully it could be released in the US.
EA Dice Announces 'Star Wars: Battlefront' Gameplay Trailer Showcase at E3 2015; Game Features Fighter Squadron Mode
EA Dice had recently revealed that it would be launching the "Star Wars: Battlefront" gameplay trailer on June 15. Apart from that, they also revealed that the game would include the Fighter Squadron mode