Google will roll out Android 6.0 Marshmallow version to Nexus 5, 6, and 9 in October
Google will roll out Android 5.2M in their Nexus 5, 6, and 9 once it becomes available in October. The mentioned Nexus phones will receive an OTA for the OS update along with its new features.
Android Marshmallow is rescheduled, will it soon be released by October?
Google delayed the release date of Android M Preview 3 due to some issues that the Android developers would like to fix. News said that Google might release the final phase of the new OS by October. As for now, users are maximizing the features that were introduced in Android M Preview 2.
Apple's new patents: Facial recognition and Data safekeeping published by US Patent and Trademark Office
US Patent and Trademark Office published 2 patents on August 14th for Apple. These patents are facial recognition and back up data.
The frustrating effects of Stagefright bug in Fallout Shelter game application
Stagefright bug affected the function of Fallout Shelter, a game application available to Android version and iOS version. The effects are phone freezes and lack of memory when it is played. These caused a failure to save the progress of the game and a loss of the purchased lunchboxes.