Human infants help teach robot infants, with help from UW Robotics Team
A team at the University of Washington has published a study showing that it seems possible for robots to learn tasks and goals by watching and imitating human actions.
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare doubles available max player from 12 to 24; Game uses dedicated servers for better gaming
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare shows difference in display as it runs 60 FPS on PS4 and 30 FPS on Xbox One
'Game of Thrones' Season 6 Spoilers: Jon Snow Returning at Melisandre’s Expense; Three-Eyed Raven Appears; Brandon Stark Is Back
Fans of hit TV series Game of Thrones can’t hide their excitement as the show revealed its first teaser trailer for the show’s sixth season. Combining the trailer and the show’s promotional poster on a bloodied Jon Snow, it seems like the show has confirmed Jon Snow’s resurrection in season 6 and rumor has it that Melisandre is bringing Snow back. Meanwhile, Brandon Stark returns and the Three-Eyed Raven appears.
'Heroes Reborn' Updates: Channel 5 UK Acquires Show’s Rights; Cast Joins DC Universe; Will The Show Get Another Season?
The hit TV series Heroes Reborn has found fans on the other side of the world. UK’s Channel 5 acquired the show’s rights for UK telecast. Yet with the popularity of the Heroes Reborn, will it pave the way for another season? Meanwhile, cast member Marco Grazzini joins the DC Comics series’ The Flash.