Tags: Mortal Kombat

'Mortal Kombat' reboot: Will movie finally have tangible progress with James Wan as producer?

The 'Mortal Kombat' reboot is back on the radar with James Wan joining as producer. However, with Kevin Tancharoen leaving the director's seat, the movie still has a long way to go before getting a release date.

Mortal Kombat X DLC Latest News: Rain, Baraka, Sindel, and More BRUTAL Fighters Coming in Kombat Pack 2? Ed Boon Tweets New Possible Content

Mortal Kombat X continues to dominate the charts of top selling games of 2015 so far and this massive following draws the insatiable hunger of fans for more DLC characters to be included in the title following the recent release of Tremor as the last fighter of Kombat Pack 1 to join the roster.

Mortal Kombat X Tremor Variants for Final DLC Leaked; Android Heavy Weapons Jax, Piercing Mileena and Flaming Fist Liu Kang Revealed

According to a report, an avid fan and Redditor named Murdoink has 'mined' three variations of Tremor, namely Aftershock, Metallic, and Crystalline. As the variant name implies, Aftershock enables Tremor an ability to perform earthquake moves; Metallic grants Tremor a gold and lava armour; and Crystalline will let Tremor summon a Krystal.

The Predator Joins The Fight In Mortal Kombat X Together With New Skins

The Predator DLC pack is now available for download but some Xbox One users cannot download the additional content.

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The Brazilian Costume Pack for Mortal Kombat X which was first teased by Game Director Ed Boon on Twitter is finally out and available for download via Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and Steam at a price of $3.99.
Mortal Kombat X co-creator Ed Boon has been dropping hints about new characters via his Twitter, and now reportedly coming soon is the half-god who can control the weather that includes both rain and lightning is rumored to return to Mortal Kombat X in a DLC named Kombat Pack 2.
Hardcore fans of Mortal Kombat X might see a new character added in the expanding kombatant roster, NetherRealm's boss Ed Boon teased via his official Twitter account.According to the game's frontman, Meat might appear in the upcoming Mortal Kombat X character DLC. Such possibility of a Meat DLC was most recently hinted by Boon in his cryptic tweet saying, "I'm interpreting this as a sign: 'Meat' must be in Kombat Pack 2."
The release date of the “Mortal Kombat X” for the PS3 and Xbox 360 is postponed from Summer to Fall. GameStop specifically posted the delay from June 2 to as far as December 31.
Game Director Ed Boon has confirmed that Mortal Kombat X unlocks the Edenian Warrior, Tanya, as early as first week of June.The game has been receiving a steady stream of updates since its release including the Kold War pack which is Russian-esque Cold War-era inspired skins for Scorpion, Sonya, Kano and Sub-Zero.
While everyone is still enjoying Jason Voorhees' character in Mortal Kombat X, another fighter will join him via Klassic Pack 1 DLC. The second character is Tanya, a veteran combatant who debuted in Mortal Kombat 4.
Mortal Kombat X patch massively updates the game. the latest patch solves many gameplay issues, improves mechanics and brings back Reptile's classic costume. However, it also makes availalbe a new finishing move that will make some people speechless.
A Mortal Kombat X glitch discovered by a Reddit user allows players to unlock costumes and character skills that are usually obtained by winning matches in the Mortal Kombat X companion mobile application. It is reported that the glitch enables players to copy new skins from different characters whose owners are at the top of the ranking leaderboard.
The popular game Mortal Kombat X executed a Roll out of the PC Patch for many pc gamers. Unfortunately, many reports regarding game crashes and data deletion had resulted in pulling out the patch.
After years of soul-searching, the souless Jason Voorhees gets a new home in Mortal Kombat X. The Jason DLC is the first half of the two announced import characters, the second being the Predator.
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