Tags: Mortal Kombat X News

Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack 2 Could Launch Q1 2016; No Batman, Superman, and Ninja Turtles in New DLC

Fans of Mortal Kombat X have been very long hungry for updates on the Kombat Pack 2 DLC that some of them continue to entertain their selves in a guessing game on who will be the next characters. With the latest tweet from Mortal Kombat X co-creator Ed Boon, the inclusion of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is already ruled out.

'Mortal Kombat X' Update: Klassic Goro, Noob Saibot Skins In New Mods Revealed; DLC Kombat Pack 2 Playable Characters To Include Spawn, Wolverine and More

New mods for "Mortal Kombat X" allows players to experience both Klassic Goro and Noob Saibot. In addition, rumor has it that Spawn and Wolverine might just be included in game's forthcoming DLC 'Kombat Pack 2'.

Mortal Kombat X DLC Updates: Mystery image hints Marvel's Wolverine as Kombat Pack 2 playable character; Bo Rai Cho, Fujin, and Sindel teased

The guessing game on who will be the next guest playable characters for Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack 2 continues as new set of potential fighters have emerged online just recently, courtesy of NetherRealm co-creator Ed Boon.

Mortal Kombat X Update: Former Fighters To Join Kombat Pack 2 DLC Revealed; Game Surpasses Five Million Worldwide Sales

"Mortal Kombat X" is said to include former fighters in its Kombat Pack 2 DLC. Also, the game has reportedly surpassed the five million mark in worldwide sales.

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Warners Bros. and Mortal Kombat X game developer NetherRealm Studios could have hinted Kombat Pack 2 to arrive in the future following the recent release of The Klassic Pack 2 adding the brutal new character, Tremor, to join the brawler game's current roster list.
The release of Mortal Kombat X final DLC adding fan favourite, Tremor, has surfaced online, just a week after Prey Pack went live. Game director Ed Boon tweets that something awesome and big is happening this Sunday which prompt brawler fans that the 4th expansion will be launched on July 19. Multiple images of Tremor has also emerged where he's seen wearing some kind of ninja mask and bringing fatalities to his opponents.
The 3rd Mortal Kombat X DLC is coming this July with the Predator and some Predator themed skins for the game.
Mortal Kombat X is getting better at keeping you on your consoles with all the new characters coming. Pretty soon, the addtion of Jason from Friday the 13th franchise will get even more interesting with the expected arrival of Rain and Meat.
Hardcore fans of Mortal Kombat X might see a new character added in the expanding kombatant roster, NetherRealm's boss Ed Boon teased via his official Twitter account.According to the game's frontman, Meat might appear in the upcoming Mortal Kombat X character DLC. Such possibility of a Meat DLC was most recently hinted by Boon in his cryptic tweet saying, "I'm interpreting this as a sign: 'Meat' must be in Kombat Pack 2."
Mortal Kombat X will see the release of several DLCs, including the Kold War, the Predator and Prey, and the Brazilian Costume packs.
The developer implements restrictions in ihe game's graphics, that's why the five fatalities would not be seen in the upcoming version of the game.
While everyone is still enjoying Jason Voorhees' character in Mortal Kombat X, another fighter will join him via Klassic Pack 1 DLC. The second character is Tanya, a veteran combatant who debuted in Mortal Kombat 4.
A Mortal Kombat X glitch discovered by a Reddit user allows players to unlock costumes and character skills that are usually obtained by winning matches in the Mortal Kombat X companion mobile application. It is reported that the glitch enables players to copy new skins from different characters whose owners are at the top of the ranking leaderboard.
Justin Wong defeated an 8 years old boy in a Mortal Kombat X tournament in order to keep him off the game.
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