Tags: Top Gun 2 Cast

‘Top Gun 2’ News: Val Kilmer apologizes for confusing Facebook announcement; Francis Ford Coppola not directing sequel

‘Top Gun 2’ may feature the return of Val Kilmer as Iceman alongside Tom Cruise’s Maverick. Kilmer quickly apologized for the confusing announcement he posted on his Facebook page saying that Francis Ford Coppola and Gene Hackman aren’t involved in the film as opposed to what fans were lead to believe.

Top Gun 2 Release in 3D: Val Kilmer Confirmed to Reprise 'Iceman' Role, Tom Cruise Wants Sequel Filmed Practically

Iceman is back as Val Kilmer confirmed through social media that he is to reprise his role in the forthcoming Top Gun 2. Tom Cruise is still not officially on board although he previously revealed his conditions in making the film, saying that it should be filmed with real jets.

‘Top Gun 2’ Updates: Tom Cruise reprises role as Maverick Mitchell, demands less CGI effects; Jerry Bruckheimer confirms sequel in the works

‘Top Gun 2’ will feature returning leading man Tom Cruise in his iconic role as Maverick Mitchell. He admitted that he would like to see less CGI effects and more real action shots for the sequel. Jerry Bruckheimer confirmed that the second installment is finally in the works after years of trying to get it up and running.

'Top Gun 2' Movie Update: Tom Cruise returns as the main character Maverick

Tom Cruise reprising his iconic character Maverick in a lead role capacity in Top Gun 2. The sequel will feature fighter pilots versus drones warfare era.

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After decades of waiting, Top Gun 2 is finally in the works, and here are details that has been released so far. Actor Tom Cruise hinted that he might do the film, but demanded that there should be no CGI. David Ellison also revealed that the sequel's focus will be on fifth generation fighters and drone technology.
It is now fighter pilots against drones as Top Gun 2 has been confirmed to be underway with actor Tom Cruise likely to reprise his role as Maverick. Apparently, Cruise does not want just another actor as a cast member because he is now rumored to be eyeing on getting Prince Harry to co-star with him.
"Edge of Tomorrow" actor Tom Cruise is reprising his role as Lieutenant Maverick in the upcoming "Top Gun 2". The actor has reportedly set his sights on Prince Harry for the 1986 film's sequel.
Maverick is set to fly into the big screen soon as Top Gun 2 is officially happening. The screenplay for the movie is being worked on, and David Ellison revealed that the badass pilot will soon be fighting the new generation drones. Iceman might not appear in the upcoming film.
Skydance Production's CEO David Ellison has recently confirmed "Top Gun 2", revealing Justin Marks as the sequel's scriptwriter. Will Tom Cruise reprise his role as the iconic Lt. Maverick?
Decades after its first film hit the big screen, Top Gun 2 is in the works and will soon fly into the big screen. Tom Cruise will star in the movie as the now older Maverick. Justin Marks is currently working on the film's screenplay, and will feature drones and fifth generation fighters.
It took 30 years before an ensemble could be formed; finally with producer Jerry Bruckheimer taking the lead, 'Top Gun 2' might finally spread its wings.