Tags: X-Men: Days of Future Past

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ Rogue Cut clip out on July 14 ; features Jennifer Lawrence and other cast

A cut clip of Rogue in “X-Men: Days of Future Past” will be out on July 14. The restored footage will feature Jennifer Lawrence and other cast.

Michael Fassbender: From X-men’s Magneto to Tech Genius, Steve Jobs; Can he really give justice to the role?

Michael Fassbender fully committed to the Steve Jobs film. The serious biopic about the Apple Corporation co-founder genius is written by Aaron Sorkin and will be directed by Danny Boyle. The movie will be produced by Oscar kingmaker Scott Rudin and set to feature a lot of stars that is set to give spice to the biopic.

'X-Men: Days of Future Past Rogue Cut soon in Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD; 'Fantastic Four / X-Men' crossover to happen?

'X-Men: Days of Future Past Rogue Cut' will take you deeper into the X-Men universe than ever before. soon to be available in Blu-ray, DVD and Digital HD, uncut scenes were included along with the 17-minute story of Rogue. Meanwhile, a 'Fantastic Four' and 'X-Men' crossover is bound to happen in the future according to Fox.

Comic Con To Host First Public Screening of "X-Men: Days of Future Past' Rogue Cut"; Blue-Ray Buyers May Win VIP Tickets

Comic Con International is hosting the first-ever public screening for the "Rogue Cut" of the franchise's highest-grossing installment "X-Men: Days of Future Past". The studio will also be giving a chance to win two VIP tickets for Blu-Ray buyers at the event.

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Fans have been puzzling about the character Quicksilver lately, and with the ‘The Avengers: Age of Ultron’ playing this week, it’s easy to forget who have portrayed the role first. It’s Evan Peters of ‘X-Men’ set against Aaron Taylor-Johnson in ‘Avengers.’ Who bests the role as Quicksilver?
The last installment of the popular Sci-Fi action movie starred the speedy hero Quicksilver, but news today says that Juggernaut was the first choice but after a change of director, it was replaced by Evan Peter's Quicksilver.
Just how is "X-Men: Apocalypse" going to tie its two timelines together? We don't know much about "X-Men: Apocalypse," but more details are starting to surace online.
“X-Men: Apocalypse” will take place in the 1980s as new Mutants will join the fight against a new Villain more sinister than Magneto. Director Bryan Singer reveals new cast members.
"X-Men Apocalypse" is rumored to have a new name, "X-Men: Akkaba." Tom Hardy is preferred to play the role of Apocalypse, who the younger selves of the X-Men movies will meet as they travel in time. Evan Peters returns as Quicksilver.
The mutant Nightcrawler is rumored to appear in "X-Men: Apocalpyse," starting rumors that Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique, his mother in the comics, will give birth to him in the film.
Meanwhile, there have been rumors as mentioned by KPopstarz that fans had hoped that Nightcrawler will once again join Jean Grey, Cyclops, Storm, at Professor X's School for Gifted Youngsters in "Apocalypse." Nightcrawler first appeared in "X2" and was played by "The Good Wife"'s Alan Cumming. Gambit is also expected to make an appearance in the upcoming film as well.
A leaked photo shows the classic Wolverine costume that may appear in the next "X-Men" film
While Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult's breakup may have seemed amicable, new reports that Hoult is now dating "Twilight" Star Kristen Stewart may cause sparks to fly.
GotchaMovies said that Sony allegedly decided to make up a whole new story, which is far from the original drafted script. When Fassbender found out, he supposedly did not agree with the change and left the production, as he purportedly wanted the producers to stick with the source material. But the good news is, fans shouldn't fret, since MoviePilot said Fassbender is still with the project.
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