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Xbox One Elite Wireless Controller Ups the Challenge
The release of the premium Xbox One Elite Controller last October came with a sleeker, more precise, customisable and speed enhanced controller. This places Xbox One as the more dominant console in terms of controller usage.
'Empire' Season 2 Update: Episode 8 Official Synopsis Released, Next Installment Entitled "My Bad Parts"
The official synopsis for "Empire" Season 2 Episode 8 has been released and is entitled "My Bad Parts."
Samsung Pay May Create Peer-to-Peer Payment via Phones
Samsung Pay is rumoured to make payments between phones a reality, according to reports from various finance technology companies. This will allow payments to be made to a phone as if it were a credit card terminal.
Custom CyanogeMod 13 ROM Brings Android 6.0 Marshmallow to Samsung Galaxy S5
Samsung's 2014 flagship, the Galaxy S5, can now receive the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update via a custom CyanogeMod 13 ROM.