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Scott Disick accuses Kourtney Kardashian of cheating, demands DNA test on baby Reign; Is he really the father?
Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian are in trouble again! The 'Lord Disick' absolutely flipped when he heard he may not be the father to his 9-month-old son, Reign. After being flooded with rumours his ex-girlfriend Kourtney cheated on him, Scott may demand a DNA test to reveal the truth behind the sensitive matter.
Battle Chasers: Nightwar: Kickstarter Launched for Upcoming Project; Darksiders Team Involved in Creation
Airship Syndicate has come strong through the project at hand, namely Battle Chasers: Nightwar. Though the goal is quite distant and is still unlikely, the movement for the said title is just beginning, and has no plans of backing down soon enough.
Queen Elizabeth II to step down from throne, wants Prince William and Kate to take over
This time next year, Kate Middleton may already be the Queen of England. Queen Elizabeth II is reportedly deciding to step down from her throne and pass it on to her grandson, Prince William and his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge. The 33 year old couple may soon be the newest King and Queen to rule England, skipping past Price Charles, the rightful heir to the throne.
Kpop Sensation EXO beats One Direction in the worldwide album sales; Former EXO member Luhan releases second trailer for album “Reloaded”
EXO just moved its way to the top of the 2015 album sales list against British- Irish band One Direction. On the other hand, former EXO member Luhan just recently released the second sneak peak of his album "Reloaded".