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Kate Middleton and Prince George Updates: Mother and son goofyness at the Polo; Prince George growing up as a very energetic kid
Cuteness overload is how we can describe Prince George and his Mom, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton. In recent news, the mother-and-son tandem has seen in a polo match last June 14, 2015 at the Gloucestershire Festival of Polo where Prince William participated.
Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs. iPad Air 2: 'The Battle of Two Goliaths'; Which one wins competition?
Microsoft released Surface Pro 3, its third-generation of the Surface lineup, on June 20 of 2014. October 22 of the same year, Apple released its sixth generation iPad tablet, the iPad Air 2. With these releases from the two Technology giants, consumers tend to ask "which one should Ibuy?" Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs. iPad Air 2, each of them is fine own their own. But let's find out how they stack up against with each other. When it comes down to it, you have to think of how you are going to utilize the devices. If you want a full functionality PC in a tablet, then Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is for you. But if you want a high-end tablet packed with Apps, then the iPad Air 2 is for you. Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs iPad Air 2 battle is a kind of who's-your-bet battle where favoritism is applicable.
Spectre Plot Spoilers: James Bond to seek for truth about his parents' death; Frank Obenhauser to look freaky?
More action and suspense are expected from the upcoming James Bond film, Spectre. Bond comes back to unravel more about his childhood, which was never discussed in the previous 007 films. Frank Obenhauser rumors are persistent insisting he might look freaky in the next Bond film.
Mass Effect 4 Confirmed for Holiday 2016 Release: EA Press Con Reveals 'Andromeda,' title Player a human character
Check out the latest reveals for Mass Effect 4 as E3 announcements have already been given, with Andromeda as the new setting and title; Release date will be on 2016 holiday. Bioware still mum about specific details with a lot of time into development.