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Nicki Minaj and ex Safaree Samuels Rages in New Songs: Safaree Samuels airing Nicki Minaj dirty laundry; Minaj moving on with Meek Mill
Twelve years have long gone for Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels since last year. The Anaconda singer is finally going on through some time dwelling that her blood, sweat and tears made her what she is right now. The rage just goes on with Safaree Samuels new song, “Love The Most,” after Nicki Minaj has been reportedly linked to her rebound lover, Meek Mill.
‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Cast Update: Hugh Jackman Hints At Possible Cameo On ‘Deadpool’; Talks Retiring As Wolverine
Hugh Jackman hints his possible cameo appearance on Ryan Reynolds' "Deadpool." The Wolverine actor also consideres retiring in the upcoming years.
Rihanna’s New Mysterious BF: Couple tries to stay mysterious; Riri and Karim to delay revalation of relationship?
We all know that Rihanna dated Chris Brown, broke-up, got back together then broke-up again. It was no secret. With all the lime light in the Please Don’t Stop the Music singer, keeping a relationship private is kind of impossible. A lot of news and confirmations are circulating that Rihanna is finally dating the soccer superstar, Karim Benzema.
Miranda Cosgrove Stalker goes Cyber: Continues to terrorize in cyber space; Imprisonment for 4 years waits
Joshua Stockton, Miranda Cosgrove’s stalker, is in trouble for his indecent act towards the actress through - cyber stalking. He is reportedly on his big break from the hospital where he was confined for some psychiatric issues thus given a reward because of his good act; yet right after he has been rewarded, went all the way to contact Miranda Cosgrove’s friends to get a chance to know the actress’s whereabouts and updates.