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Kingdom Hearts 3 Ranks 4th, Final Fantasy XV On Top Spot in Latest Famitsu Chart; Square Enix Promises Updates in D23 Japan November Expo

Read up on the newest announcements for Kingdom Hearts 3 as Tetsuya Nomura from Square Enix puts the game into priority more than FFXV as reports say, while the latter had higher rankings in Famitsu; find out when bigger information would be leaked.

Da Vinci's Demons Season 3 to Premiere In August As Fans Threaten to Unfollow Show? Tom Riley, Major Cast Members Return

The major cast members of Da Vinci's Demons are expected to return to the series when it returns to television for Season 3. The premiere date has not been officially announced however much to the dismay of fans who are threatening to unfollow the show if a premiere date will not be announced soon.

Street Fighter V Playable Alongside Tekken 7, Mortal Kombat X at CEO 2015 Confirmed by Capcom; Game to Support Cross-Platform Play with PS4, PC Systems

Capcom has confirmed that Street Fighter V will be coming to the to the CEO 2015 event in Orlando, Florida next month. As expected, the new fighting game will be playable along with Bandai Namco's Tekken 7 and Warner Brother and NetherRealm Studios' Mortal Kombat X.

Project CARS PC Version Faces AMD GPU-NVidia Sabotage Controversy: Slight Mad Studios Debunks False 'Erroneous' Rumors

Slightly Mad Studios answers the accusations that they intentionally sabotaged the performance of the freshly released Project Cars' for Windows PC version with installed AMD display cards.The accusation is that the entire Project Cars engine itself is built with version of PhysX that does not run properly on AMD display cards. The allegations is detailed in a Reddit post where the writer summarized his point claiming that "the entire Project Cars engine itself is built around a version of PhysX that simply does not work on AMD cards."

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Harley Quinn will be off limits for ‘Arrow’ Season 4 due to ‘Suicide Squad’ film. Maseo Yamashiro will return in the series.
The sequel to Brad Pitt's 'World War Z' will hit theatres on June 9, 2017. The film's screenwriter revealed in an interview that 'World War Z 2' is going for a clean slate. Will the movie finally follow Max Brook's novel?
Roger Ver appears to have gotten the upper hand and comes out in public to show that he's above-board. is definitely his and that OKCoin reneges on its payment to him.
EXO's Tao has been going through a lot the past several months. After a leg injury and other health issues that had his father announcing that he's rather take a break from his EXO commitments, social media posts convey a more relaxed and in command Tao. Is he ready to land more solo offers?
Android 5.1.1 is here to get a lot of battery issues sovled Nexus devices should benefit from these updates in due time.
Ubisoft's newest Assasin's Creed: Syndicate, designed to set during the Industrial Revolution in London, offers a different ways to gaming: less combat, more sneaking around!
The upcoming Need for Speed reboot of EA has been confirmed to use the engine Frostbite 3. Frostbite 3 technical director announced the news on twitter.
Area 51, released last May 15 this year, adds the ongoing list of found footage films that continues to hit cinemas.
Huck will team up with Rowan Pope in ‘Scandal’ Season 5. Foley’s Jake Ballard may be killed off.
Apple is getting all the attention lately with the expected relaese of its future iPad iteration. But the killer features could backfire as multi-user and multi-screen may not be practical.