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'Attack on Titan' Live-Action Spoliers: Titans emerge after 100 years of absence, humanity in danger; 1st of the 2-movie story hits theaters August

Attack on Titan to be released August this year. Story revolves around humanity being reminded about the existence of Titans, as they emerge after 100 years of absence bringing destruction and death with them.

'Real Housewives of Atlanta' Cast Updates: NeNe Leakes, Kenya Moore accused of faking tears and relationship? New wife guests in next season

What are the recent controversies that the stars of Real Housewives of Atlanta are facing? Are they about to start a catfight? Will there be more dramas? Let's find out.

Is 'The Leftovers' getting Season 2? 'X-Files' cast Steven Williams joining the creative reboot

‘The Leftovers’ gets a Season 2. ‘X-Files’ Steven Williamsis also joining the creative reboot in the upcoming season.

'Batman: Arkham Knight' PS4, Xbox One, PC pre-order available; Live-action trailer released, characters revealed

The live-action trailer video for Batman: Arkham Knight, third of the series, released last May 22nd, showed more bad-ass and revealed which of our favorite characters will be in for the ride.

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Philippines, a conservative country, is yet to accept same-sex marriage. Are the people ready for it?
Shailene Woodley described her experience in filming intimate scene with Theo James as technical. Ansel Elgort volunteered to be James' sub for the intimate scene, and added that he and Woodley are very comfortable in working with each other.
‘Y&R’ Spoilers May 25 revealed that Tobias returns and dies after revealing big secrets. Kevin, Mariah are close to discover killer’s identity.
The latest trailer for the reboot of the "Need for Speed" franchise has been released. Other details are to be discussed during the upcoming E3 event on June 15.
Voice actors confirmed that the release of Attack on Titan 2 was postponed to 2016. New movie installations as well as updates regarding the upcoming season revealed.
‘The Vampire Diaries’ hits finale for season six on May 14. Nina Dobrev officially leaves the show and posts on Instagram pictures to remember during her six year-stay in the vampire drama.
Former Exo members Kris (Wu Yifan) and Luhan’s battle with SM Entertainment looks far from reaching the finish line as the agency has just filed another lawsuit to the two members’ Chinese employer companies. If the case becomes standard civil proceedings from inability to settle, the two members will have to halt their promotions in China.
NASA EM Drive development has reportedly received some successes recently fuelling talk that the space agency has already managed to create a warp drive. NASA has however dismissed the notion that they have already created the warp drive that may be used to send humans into space.
iOS8 Jailbreak tweaks may very well be the last time enthusiasts can develop the Applle operating systems. Apple is reportedly releasing the new iOS9 with non-breakable features using the technology called "rootless."
“Heroes of the Storm”’s Tychus Findlay has to ditch his cigar to avoid conflict with the game’s teen rating in multiple regions. Blizzard decided to change the hero’s appearance rather than make two versions of Findlay. But is it true that Blizzard’s MOBA video games are losing to Riot Games’ “League of Legends”?