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‘The Legend of Avatar: Zuko’s Story’ Movie Updates: A plot based on the prequel novel possible? Zuko and Azula’s rivalry highlighted in film?
Nickelodeon has yet provided a confirmation on whether ‘The Legend of Avatar: Zuko’s Story’ will push through. Fans on the other hand continue to speculate on the possible plots of the said movie.
"Penny Dreadful" Season 2 Update: "The Nightcomers" Will Reveal Vanessa's Past And Ethan Chandler Will Discover His Inner Monster
Hit horror and drama T.V. series entitled "Penny Dreadful" is on its second season and Madame Kali, Helen McCrory, revealed that there are a lot of things to watch out during the upcoming episodes. Vanessa Ives' past, played by Eva Green, will be revealed and Ethan Chandler is set to discover his inner monster.
‘The Following’ Season 3 Episode 14, 15: Ryan makes huge sacrifice; Joe Carroll’s death caused FOX to axe the show?
FOX’s “The Following” aired its 2-hour series finale titled, “Dead or Alive” and “The Reckoning.” Ryan Hardy made huge sacrifices during the finale yet whether another network will pick up his story is still unconfirmed. FOX decided to axe the show after Joe Carroll’s death caused disappointment to the show’s fans.
Disney Infinity 3.0 Update: Gameplays for Star Wars Themed Playsets Will Be Different, Allows Player More Choices in Gameplay Experience
Disney Infinity 3.0 reveals details on gameplays for the two Star Wars playsets. Starter pack Star Wars: Twilight of the Republic focuses more on combat gaming while Star Wars: Rise Against The Empire is more of an adventure and explorations game.