
Hemlock Grove Season 3 premiere date happening in 2015, according to Netflix; Cast confirms filming is a wrap

Hemlock Grove's third and final season is listed on Netflix for a premiere date in 2015. Fans are however growing impatient with the expected summer release period almost over and show producers still quiet about a specific release date.

Da Vinci's Demons Season 3 August 30 airing still unconfirmed; Impatient fans flood official posts with demands for premiere date

Starz is still not confirming the anticipated August 30 premiere date for Da Vinci's Demons Season 3 despite fans demands on social media. Fans have taken to creative replies to the show's official posts.

Top Gear former presenters Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond hint at rival show for Netflix as BBC ends new hosts' search

Top Gear's former presenters Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond may be going off to the US to produce another car show to rival the UK hit program. The trio hinted at the new direction of their plans to get back on television during their live tour leg in Australia.

ASUS ZenPad S 8.0 tablet sporting 4GB RAM priced at $299; Could this beat Apple's Ipad Mini performance?

The Asus ZenPad S 8.0 has been unveiled. The Zenpad S 8.0 must have been the type of product that Asus refers to as the hero tablet. Recently, Asus is launching a new series of tablets called as Zenpad that would take over the Memo Pad series.

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