'Masters of Sex' New Trailer Offers First Look Of Josh Charles, Season 3 Tackles Sexual Revolution!
he third season of the "Masters of Sex," is upcoming according to the announcement of Showtime.
Tests show Android M delivers up to 500 hours standby time; New feature holds key to extra battery life
Tests show that a feature in Google's Android M OS dramatically improves battery life on supported devices.
Apple drives vehicles to collect data to improve Maps
Apple Inc said it was driving vehicles around the world to collect data that will be used to improve Apple Maps. The company has given driving locations on its website for June 15-30 which include Ireland, England and several cites in the United States.
As Greece lurches toward default, businesses hit the wall
When construction of four 6.5 billion euro toll roads across Greece resumed last year, Greek and foreign businesses rejoiced.
Latest News
Apple has announced that the iPad will gain support for multitasking in the form of viewing modes. The new features that will come bundled along with the release of iOS 9 later in 2015 have led some tech analysts to believe that Apple may be on the way to releasing a larger iPad model.
"Outlander season 2 spoilers revealed that Jamie and Claire's relationship will be put in jeopardy as tension rises between the couple and Frank.
Check out Paris Hilton's new millionaire boyfriend as they cuddle together in his yacht. Hilton is reportedly happy with how she is treated by Thomas Gross.
Delphine prentends to be a normal human being as she gets her needed information from Krystal. Monster Monster when to Magical Bartender.
The new watchOS2 will allow third-party developers to make new apps, watch faces and consmetic changes to the Apple Watch.
The Sony Xperia Z3+ will likely be released by the end of the month, with a price tag of almost €700. The renaming of the unit has been explained by Sony as Qualcomm moves to quell reported heating issues with the unit's chipset.
While there has been no new official announcements regarding Cars 3, a video presentation at a recent Disney event showed that the upcoming animation movie is still on-track for a possible 2018 release.
New features have been added to the Office 2016 Preview, and no less than Office corporate VP Kirk Koenigsbauer outlined the latest improvements to it.
A new patch for the Final Fantasy XV Demo is bringing players a new boss together with some tweaks to the game.
E3 prognosticators are seeing a possible appearance from The Last Guardian at this year's E3. The long lost Playstation game, The Last Guardian, could finally make an appearance at this year's highly anticipated E3.