
Best day ever for Apple stocks in 2013

Apple shares experienced what was probably its best day ever in 2013.

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Is Apple pressured to launch new products?

The pressure is on for Apple to launch new products.

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UPDATE: AAPL shares up, iTunes sells, iPad tanks

Latest figures for Apple were released recently.

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Asian suppliers cash in on Apple's sales

Apple's big sales boosted shares of its Asian suppliers.

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Apple CEO confirms drive to auto industry

Apple's chief executive officer Tim Cook said in an earnings call that the company will definitely do something for the automobile.

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A product-centered review for Apple's June quarter results from analysts

Several analysts gave product-centered comments of Apple's June quarter results.

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Samsung unleashes attack on Indian tablet market

Samsung announced the launch of their new tablet product in the highly contested Indian tech consumer market.

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Apple vs Samsung drama might end soon

According to analysts, Apple and Samsung might strike a deal to stop the ongoing smartphone patent wars between the two tech titans.

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Analysts' take on Apple's June quarter results: bulls vs. bears

Analysts commented on their take on Apple's June quarter results.

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Apple allegedly avoids UK corporation tax

Despite gaining GPB6 billion in the United Kingdom, Apple allegedly paid only GBP10 million in UK corporation taxes.

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‘Tiger cub’ Laffont bullish on content, Apple no

‘Tiger cub’ Laffont was bullish on content but not Apple.

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Apple's September quarter forecast hints at next iPhone's release?

Analysts said that Apple's September quarter forecast would give hints at next iPhone's release date.

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Reality check: Apple's June quarter earnings revealed

Earnings of Apple for its June quarter will be revealed.

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US district attorneys impressed with Apple's new kill switch

Two district attorneys approved Apple and Samsung's newest security features after testing them.

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Apple's iOS 7 is made for business

Apple announced that several key features of the iOS 7 is directed towards its business users.

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