
Apple Seeks Former Yves Saint Laurent CEO's Help in “Special Projects”

Apple sought the help of Former Yves Saint Laurent CEO for its “special projects.”

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EMC Sells Bonds to Benefit Shareholders

EMC Corp. has followed Apple's measure of leveraging piled of offshore cash by issuing a debt against it.

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Apple CEO Cook Shares Investor Pain

Apple CEO Tim Cook addressed investor issues for the long term.

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Einhorn Wins First Round Vs Apple

Greenlight Capital gets restraining order against Apple Inc.

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Start-ups fight back as patent wars intensify

Start-ups fight back as patent wars intensify.

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Debut of Apple mapping service challenges Google Maps

At Apple’s WWDC on Monday, Apple revealed its map service for iOS6 and some features like 3D view.

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Samsung Galaxy S3 facing a hurdle as Apple files lawsuit against it

Apple has heated up its patent war with Samsung, which could possibly delay the shipping of Samsung Galaxy S3 in U.S.

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Search engine for apps Quixey raises $20 million

Quixey, a search engine for apps, said it had raised $20 million in Series B funding to fund expansion in technological capabilities.

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A price-to-earnings ratio 100: why we should stay away from Facebook IPO

The price-to-earnings ratio is around 100 but Facebook even doesn’t have a clear long-term prospects.

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Apple gained ownership of, can we expect iphone5 soon?

But with Apple gaining the ownership of domain, it may implicate the brand new iPhone is on the way.

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Chinese investors scramble for a bite of Apple

China's rigid capital rules ban its citizens from investing directly in Apple Inc but that's not keeping them from seeking a piece of the iPhone maker's success by buying shares in its suppliers - and even companies rumored to be suppliers.

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