Tags: Apple

Apple Watch and 12-inch Retina MAcbook Air Release Date and Features to Watch Out For

Apple is set to release Apple Watch and the 12-inch Retina Macbook Air in the first quarter of the year, with features that Apple users will surely invest their money in.

Apple MacBook Air Refresh Comes in February, Not The New MacBook Air 2015 with Retina Display; Resellers Start Cutting Back Prices to Prepare

While many are expecting the MacBook Air 2015 with Retina Display to come this February 24th, it is more likely that the Apple MacBook Air line refresh will be unveiled on the celebration of Steve Jobs' birthday.

MacBook Air 2015 Ships with Smaller Size and Cheaper Price to Match Competitors?

Apple's highly-anticipated MacBook Air 2015 is rumored to sport a 12-inch body rather than previous 11-inch and 13-in models. New features expected to make the new MacBook Air light and fast like its competitors.

iPhone 6 iOS 8.1.3 Review Update: Apple Releases Latest OS, Negative Feedback Divided Except on Speed?

The iOS 8.1.3 is now up for Apple users to install on their iPhone 6 devices. The latest OS is not big on changes, but it intends to fix bugs for increased stability and overall performance.

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As Samsung Electronics Co Ltd sells fewer of its own smartphones, the South Korean group's components businesses are under pressure to pick up the slack and secure external customers for chips and display panels, including putting these in rival mobile devices.
Apple is set to release another mobiler platform,iOS 9, on WWDC 2015 along with other flagship gadgets that the company will be offering this year.
New MacBook Air with 12-inch retina display may get late February or early March launch. Apple fans may get a MacBook Air release during the later parts of Q1, sources claim.
Pictures speculating around the Internet of an App Store ranking manipulation farm in China surfaced. The store lets developers pay to boost their application's ranking in the App Store.
With Samsung's sales going down, the Korean-based company has gone back to the drawing board in creating their next flagship smartphone. However, new rumors arise that the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S6 will be having a build similar to that of the iPhone 6
Cupertino-base tech firm Apple is expected to launch their latest iOS 9 operating system on June 9 during the Worldwide Developers Conference. Traffic site reports testing of the new OS shows a rise in circulation growth.
Apple's iOS 8.2 is reportedly set for a release on March, ahead of the debut of its new product, Apple Watch.
MacBook Pro 2015 is rumored for release at the WWDC this June. The new MacBook Pro is expected to sport Intel's Broadwell chips, giving improved battery life and more powerful processors.
New information has it that the new Macbook Air will be entering the market the first quarter of the year, but designs and features have already been leaked.
AT&T Inc (T.N) on Tuesday posted a quarterly net loss that was slightly slimmer than Wall Street expected, as its mobile device deals attracted more customers, but its users switched to other networks at a higher rate.
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