
"Posegram" lets Apple fans peek on iOS 7

An update on photo app Posegram is reflective of what's to come with the iOS 7.

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Google, Apple, and other big names comply with outdated tax policies

Companies such as Apple and Google work around out of date tax rules to gain access to less painful taxes.

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Apple shares beat odds on latest futures close

Apple reported an increase in sales after analysts predicted a decline today.

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Streaming killed the radio star

Music streaming took over the music industry, killing digital download and physical music sales.

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The price of beauty - will you pay for iOS 7 apps?

App developers might charge for updating their products in line with the upcoming iOS 7 upgrade.

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Apple seen to fall due to smartphone price lowering

The call for low end smartphones from emerging markets may drive Apple revenue downward, analysts predict.

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Size matters - Apple and Samsung

The mobile device frontrunners are designing more devices with larger touchscreens.

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Hasbro Games shows promising sales increase in iPad World

Hasbro Games remakes classic games and gains 19 percent increase in sales.

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Apple's dev site hacked

The app development site of Apple was hacked today.

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Apple pirates medical firm staff for iWatch

According to speculations by Apple followers, the company's recent hiring of medical and fitness experts could mean that the iWatch is underway.

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Third quarter report nears, Apple's performance gloomy

Analysts predict a bad performance from Apple in its third quarter earnings report.

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Apple buys Locationary

After reports of Apple's buyout of, another startup was acquired by the tech giant.

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"Apple picking", fastest growing street crime in the world

Phone snatching reports have increased in major cities such as London, San Francisco and New York.

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iPhone 5 slays Galaxy S4 in sales

According to recent figures, the iPhone 5 won over its rival Samsung Galaxy S4 in total sales.

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Chip industry investors reap rewards

The Chinese smartphone industry boosted the production of chips in Korea, making investors in the industry in charge of the market.

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