Tags: James Gunn

‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’: James Gunn reveals Kurt Russell is Star-Lord’s father; Who is J'son of Spartax?

James Gunn said he found Star-Lord's Father. Kurt Russel will play as Peter Quill's Father

'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' Update: Chris Pratt's Star-Lord tries to ruin Zoe Saldana's Gamora; Thor is joining the Guardians?

While the "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" movie rolls into production, director James Gunn promises the fans for a more Gamora show-off. Sources say Thor will be joining the Guardians, would it be fun?

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Director Reveals Star-Lord Mask; Filming Officially Begins in February 2016

Pre-production has started for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and Zoe Saldana recently shared on Twitter how she transforms to Gamora. Meanwhile, director James Gunn also revealed the first look at Star-Lord's mask. The director also revealed recently that the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 will be a story about fathers, which confirms that Peter Quill/Star-Lord's father will be unveiled.

James Gunn denies alleged 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' spoilers from Bradley Cooper, says 'he just got the script''

Marvel's "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" are already hands on with the preparation and construction of the set in Atlanta. While the filming will start soon enough, details about the sequel movie are being hinted out by two of the stars in the film.

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While it has been confirmed that the identity of Star Lord's father will be revealed in the Guardians of the Galaxy 2, actor Chris Pratt says he knows who he is, but he's not gonna reveal it. The movie's director, James Gunn shared that the first draft of the film has already been finished.
Actor of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" Chris Pratt left into tears while having an interview with GQ about an upcoming movie. On the other hand, Pratt had been excited on the released of the movie and on how audiences would react to what the movie could bring.
James Gunn, the writer of the movie, the Guardians of the Galaxy had finished its second installment to be shoot next year. He announced that the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 will focus on Star Lord's father.
The production of 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2' will officially start in February next year and will be in theaters in 2017. This was posted on Periscope, the social media app being used by the writer-director James Gunn.
'Avengers: Infinity War' could become the ultimate superhero crossover. For Avengers: Infinity War, one of the biggest conundrums is how to fit an ever-increasing cast of characters into a single crossover movie (and if the early reviews are any indication, Avengers: Age of Ultron might suffer just a little bit from the same problem).
“Guardians of the Galaxy 2” director and writer James Gunn recently shared some updates on the upcoming superhero film, revealing work on the screenplay is underway and filming will begin in February 2016 at Pinewood Atlanta Studios.
James Gunn's already talking about the details of the next "Guardians of the Galaxy" film- what will and won't be in.
Guardians of the Galaxy lords over new crop of weekend movie releases, Avengers crossover a possibility?
James Gunn, director of "Guardians of the Galaxy," has just confirmed that famous hero Adam Warlock is hidden in "Guardians," which may impact future "Guardians" and "Avengers" films.
We've all seen "Guardians of the Galaxy" by this point, but who is that mysterious character in the ending credits?