Tags: PS Vita

‘Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X’ Updates: PS Vita Release, Trailer, and Theme Song Revealed

A PS Vita release of the rhyme game, Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X was announced. Furthermore, a new trailer and the theme song for the game were also revealed.

GameStop To Offer Multiple Day Deals During Black Friday Sale, Kicks Off With 'Pre-Black Friday' Sale Event

Aside from the interesting bundles and price cuts, GameStop shall offer great deals on not just one, but a number of days for Black Friday deals.

‘Super Star Wars’ Updates: Classic 16-Bit Game to Hit PS4 and PS Vita

The classic 16-bit game, Super Star Wars, was remastered to be played in PS4 and PS Vita. The classic 16-bit game, Super Star Wars, was originally released in 1992 by Lucas Arts for Nintendo consoles.

‘Darkest Dungeon’ Release Date Announced, Gameplay Testing at PlayStation Experience Revealed

Red Hook Studios finally announced the release date of the Darkest Dungeon. Furthermore the game is also scheduled for testing in the upcoming PlayStation Experience in San Francisco.

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Previous Playstation-exclusive alien- shooting game Helldivers will get a Steam release this December. However, PC to Playstation crossplay will not be available.
Play Station has confirmed the delay of its monthly free games for PS Plus subscribers; however, a gaming ad has leaked
As a pre-Halloween celebration, the North American PlayStation Store is having a multi-week Sale of the Dead, giving discounts on selected games for PS3, PS4, PSP, and PS Vita.
Developer Bandai Namco Entertainment announced that "Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth" will be released on PS4 4 and PS Vita platforms on Feb. 2, 2016 in US. Gameplay and pre-order bonuses are also made available.
Despite the disappointing last minute delay of Concept’s Mighty No. 9 release which was moved on February 2016, several extras such as demos, apparels, and a mini browser game surfaced within the fan community prior to the game’s official release.
PS4 and PS Vita has the most game titles to be featured in the upcoming Tokyo Game Show. There are also rumors that Sony plans to slash prices for PS4 and PS Vita consoles.
Here’s the latest review on Resident Evil: Revelations 2 that was brought in for Playstation Vita by Sony and Capcom.
“Mighty No. 9” reported to resemble “Mega Man” is expected for release next year. Last week's updates regarding the upcoming Comcept game "Mighty No.
The then Flash game Super Meat Boy is finally coming to PS4 and Vita later this year. Team Meat, the developer of the game had formally endowed into introducing the game to the newest game platforms. The development of Super Meat Boy is one way of saying thank you from the developer to for waiting long enough since the team initially launched the game on Xbox360 last 2010.
PlayStation Blog announced the new releases coming to the PlayStation store this week. New games for PS4, PS3, PS1 & PS Vita will be released along with new tracks and clips for PS Music and PS Video.
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