Tags: Role-playing game

‘Yo-Kai Watch’ Hits 10 Million Mark, Copies to Ship Worldwide

10 million copies of the Yo-Kai Watch game has been shipped worldwide. Yo-Kai Watch has accomplished an important milestone following its Japan and North America release.

‘Cyberpunk 2077’ Updates: Game to be Published Late 2016?

A reliable source has revealed that CD Projekt RED may want to push for an earlier release of Cyberpunk 2077 in 2016.

‘Scalebound’ Release Date Revealed, Updates Remain Silent

Developers of Scalebound revealed game updates and possible release dates. While no official release date has been revealed yet, Scalebound is expected to be released to the shelves on the fourth quarter of the year 2016.

‘Path of Exile’ Juggernaut Class Description and Abilities Reviewed

Juggernaut Class, one of Path of Exile’s in-game Ascendancy Classes, is being reviewed of its description and abilities.

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A leaked ad via Steam has surfaced which hinted the impending launch of Dragon Quest Heroes to PC. Prior to announcement, the gaming community had already hinted the PC launch of Square Enix' Dragon Quest Heroes from a leaked ad in Steam.
Altus Studio’s Persona 5 was moved to release on mid-2016. Meanwhile, some game details were revealed by developers.
Square Enix and tri-Ace released an extended version of the trailer of Star Ocean 5 which offers a peak at the game’s story and a preview at the battle system.
“Borderlands” Movie adaptation is now in the works as Gearbox Software and Lionsgate have been meeting for the film project. Finally, some
Square Enix’s Final Fantasy VII’s remake was officially announced in the E3, and along its unveiling are speculations regarding its connection to the Advent Children as hinted by some details in the trailer video.
Microsoft Store sparks buzz that new and second edition of Mirror's Edge will be available this year. The platform sell it for $59.99 with $10 worth of gift card, when the game's producers have no announcement yet on whether they will release it this year or in 2016.