Tags: Sony xperia z

Android 5.1.1 PureX Custom ROM Update for Sony Xperia Z

An unofficial Android 5.1.1 Lollipop PureX firmware update has been released by XDA developers for the Sony Xperia Z. The custom ROM promises some great features and seems to be stable and smooth in terms of performance.

Android 6.0 Marshmallow Release For Sony Xperia Z Series, HTC One M9 Update

Sony and HTC might be rolling out the Android 6.0 Marshmallow to Xperia Z and One M9 before the year ends.

Android 5.1.1 Lollipop Official OTA Release Update for Sony Xperia Z2, Xperia Z2 Tablet, Xperia Z & Variants

Sony is expected to release the Android 5.1.1 Lollipop update to Xperia Z2, Xperia Z2 Tablet, and Xperia Z as variants already received the same update in some parts of the world. More details here.

Android 5.1.1 Lollipop Release Update to Sony Xperia Phones: Xperia Z4, Z3, Z2, Z, M2, C3, T2 Ultra, & Variants

Android 5.1.1 Lollipop is reportedly coming to Xperia Z4, Z4 Tablet, Z3, Z3, Z3 Tablet Compact, Z2, Z2 Tablet, Z, ZL, ZR, Tablet Z, M2, M2 Aqua, C3, T2 Ultra, and more. The update will bring new features and improvements.

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Older Sony Xperia Z units will receive the Android 5.1.1 Lollipop update with build number 10.7.A.0.22. However, the build does not yet come with a fix for the Stagefright vulnerability.
Android 5.1.1 Lollipop's official over-the-air update is confirmed coming to Sony Xperia devices, including Z2, Z2 Tablet, Z1, Z1 Compact, Z, Z Ultra. The update brings in improvements in Material Design and security.
Android 6.0 Marshmallow is rollong out soon to Sony Xperia devices including Z4 Tablet, Z3, Z3 Compact, Z3 Tablet Compact, Z2, Z2 Tablet, Z1, Z1 Compact, Z, Z Ultra, ZL, and Tablet Z. More details here.
Tables showing features comparison of Sony Xperia Z4, Z3, Z2, and Z1. Sony recently launched its flagship carrier Xperia Z4, with its international name Z3+.
Sony releases Android 5.0.2 update for Xperia Z1, Xperia Z1 Compact, and Xperia Z Ultra. Google also rolls out Android 5.1.1 OTA and factory image files for Nexus 9 (LTE), Nexus 4, and Nexus 5.
Sprint is rolling out Android 5.1.1 updates for LG Nexus 5 with build code LMY48B. The upgrade is also going to hit various Nexus devices such as Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, and Sony Xperia Z3 (model code D66030), and would new animations, improved Bluetooth and Wi-Fi settings, camera timeout fix, security enhancements, and others.
he Android ROM developers have just recently released the 5.1.1 update for Sony Xperia Z users. Sony was supposed to officially release the update for the Android 5.0 to 5.1.1 but they seemed to be taking their time. The wait is finally over as the unofficial version is already available in the market.
The official Android 5.1.1 update for Sony Xperia Z is out and in store are features that allow changes in choosing themes; add brightness options to Profiles, Torch Tile updates and enhancements during notifications among others.
Sony Xperia Z users can bring the Xperia Z Ultra features to their devices through a custom ROM. The firmware takes after the official release of the Android 4.4.2 KitKat firmware 10.5.A.0.230 from Sony. The custom ROM provides Xperia Z2 features and full Xperia Z Ultra port.
The Sony Xperia Z received positive response from the market. However, it is not immune to problems. Here are some of the top problems and fixes for the device.
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