Tags: Virtual Reality

Resident Evil 7 will be released on PS4 Virtual Reality; Horror Game is in works by Development Division 1 team

Capcom announces that the Resident Evil development team is now focusing on creating virtual reality on top of the traditional console game.

PlayStation VR Reportedly Features Time of Flight Laser-Based Systems; Gran Turismo 7 May Be Optimized

Sony's highly anticipated virtual reality heaset is expected to feature Time of Flight laser-based systems and optimize Gran Turismo 7. The PlayStation VR will be the ultimate weapon in gaming.

Next Samsung Gear VR coming 2016; Will it be standalone for PC or universal Gear VR for mobile?

The next-gen Samsung Gear VR is expected to be unveiled in 2016. There are tips that Samsung will either make a standalone VR device for desktops or a universal Gear VR for mobiles.

Microsoft HoloLens: An Augmented Reality Device Featuring Windows 10 OS, Twin Lenses, All-in-One Headband

As 2016 comes close, new inventions from Microsoft are lined up. One of those is the Microsoft HoloLens, an augmented reality device, which users can wear and a work on the computer simultaneously.

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Early next year, everyone may expect a big change in virtual reality world. HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Playstation VR are set to bring that change, so better watch out for it!
Sony's upcoming gaming device, dubbed as "Project Morpheus", is nearing its mainstreanm release next year. Here are a few updates on the device's specs, and development.
ViVe VR highlights "immersive" experience while additional reports confirms Samsung Gear VR teaming up with Felix & Paul Studio
‘The Last Starfighter’ gets a TV series reboot with Virtual Reality experience. Creator Jonathan Betuel teams up with Surreal.tv .
Growing updates are stirring with additional details to the launching event on July 27. Promotions are plugging in for OnePlus unveiling specs and features to its upcoming OnePlus 2 smartphone.
The anticipated consumer release for the Oculus Rift virtual reality goggles later this year was cancelled, but developers promise to release it by next year.
Half Life 3 may take a few more years because of Valve’s Vive VR Headset and Source 3 engine. Half Life 3 may take more than just a year to see the light of day but the wait will certainly be worth it because the game may make it to virtual reality.
Microsoft had joint ventures with Oculus and Valve VR to showcase Xbox One controller with Oculus Rift to be streamed to the VR headset.
Oculus Rift will be releasing in Q1 2016. Oculus, a virtual reality gaming headset teamed up with Facebook is now equipped to showcase the Rift at E3 in Los Angeles next week.
Virtual reality gadgets are starting to surface with three of the top techs companies today. Could virtual reality takeover the current gaming standards?
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