Tags: Windows 10 Features

Microsoft enables easier installation for Windows 10

Microsoft enables easier installation of Windows 10. This is by not downloading previous Windows version anymore, users can go direclty to Windows 10.

Mobile Windows 10 Release Update: Improvements for Xbox App, Cortana, Microsoft Edge, Action Center, Skype & More

The latest build of Windows 10 Insider Preview for mobile reveals update for Start menu, Photos app, Xbox app, background picture, Microsoft Edge, Skype, text input, Tablet mode, Groove, Mail, Calendar, Maps, and other fixes.

Windows 10 Not Coming to Some Windows 8.1 Phones? List of Windows Phones Eligible for Update

Microsoft Germany has announced that Windows 10 software update is not coming to smartphones with only 4 GB of storage since the update is already worth 5 GB. Here are list of eligible and ineligible phones for the update.

Microsoft to impose automatic Windows 10 updates to users' inactivated systems until 2025

An automatic update of Microsoft’s Windows 10 will be forced on the home users system that cannot be inactivated until 2025. The software will intermittently check the system and app updates, and will download and install them for you.

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The latest preview build for Windows 10 is now available for insiders. Microsoft recently made available the latest Windows 10 preview build exclusively for insiders.
Windows 10 is certainly bringing a lot of cheers to the global marketplace. However there may be certain details that users coudl get wary about. First, is the release date for mobile and second is the dangers of a free come-on.
Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 10, is scheduled to be released as early as July or as late as the expected Q3 2015 October.
Windows 10 is looking up this time. In a strong move it is poised to attract both iOS and Android developers as Microsoft has allowed apps and games in both these architecture to be ported directly.
With all the good things Windows 10 is offering its users, Microsof't's OS seem perfectfly poised for world domination. Already, it is sending jitters to its greatest rivals in the mobile industry as this time Windows allows apps and games from iOS and Androd to be ported directfly to its environment.
Microsoft offers first glimpse of the new Windows 10 through Windows Insider Program’s Fast Ring and first-time users report an all-new reformed Mail and Calendar features that can be automated to send messages through the SwipeGestures technology.
Microsoft Corporation is set to release its highly-anticipated Windows 10 (Build 10049) this summer and with it a handful of features like Cortana, Project Spartan, Windows Hello, and a first glimpse of Windows 10 for phones.
Microsoft's upcoming Windows 10 is set to be released for free in this year and the company has rolled out its chepeast phone for Windows 10, the Lumia 430, that will come with features such as a dual core 1.2 GHz Snapdragon 200 chip.
Windows 10 is out for download summer this year, confirms Microsoft. Along with this release are few shocking announcements, particularly the introduction of 2 browser platforms, the original IE and the novel Project Spartan. The two browsers raised questions as to their differences but Microsoft makes clear that both are distinct with specific functions.
As Windows 10 will come with awesome features this year, there are doubts of the OS is really free for all. Concerns are raised if Windows 10 could be available even to pirated Windows Operating Systems.
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