Tags: Xbox one

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare doubles available max player from 12 to 24; Game uses dedicated servers for better gaming

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare shows difference in display as it runs 60 FPS on PS4 and 30 FPS on Xbox One

Need for Speed Fans Share Sentiments over the 2015 Edition

2015 version of Need for Speed game was released and fans share their views of the game. Need for Speed is a famous name for racing franchise open for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Third Installment of Crackdown Will Feature Microsoft's Cloud Computing Platform for 20x More Computing Power than Xbox One

Crackdown will have more destructible environments that will require computing power far more than what the Xbox One is capable of.

‘Friday the 13th’ Game Hits Kickstarter Target, Release Assured

The development of the Friday the 13th game was assured as the game hits its funding goal in Kickstarter.

Latest News

Remedy Entertainment’s Quantum Break takes pride on its stunning visuals as its footage shall be revealed on the upcoming Game Awards 2015, prior to its 2016 release.
Developers of Scalebound revealed game updates and possible release dates. While no official release date has been revealed yet, Scalebound is expected to be released to the shelves on the fourth quarter of the year 2016.
A new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game is reported to be in development by Activision. A recent leak via Australia's Classification Board has revealed that a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game is on the way and will be developed by Activision.
Harmonix’s Rock Band 4 shall release its new DLC, Off the Charts, which features the recent hits from the Billboard music charts.
Game UK listing shows Gears of War 4 available not just for Xbox One but also for PC. However, both Microsoft and The Coalition have nothing to announce yet.
Capcom’s Street Fighter 5 beta phase shall return on December 17 until December 20. Capcom's fighting video game, Street Fighter 5, is reported to have its beta phase to return on December 17 up until December 20.
Game developer Ubisoft will be releasing big games by next year, including Tom Clancy’s The Division and Ghost Recon Wildlands.
The new Hitman game is now on track, as the game updates and the release was announced, while a new trailer is soon to be released.
Treyarch and Activision’s Call of Duty Black Ops 3 revealed a bunch of in-game Easter eggs shortly after its recent release. On the other hand, the game’s updates on its nerfed and buffed weapons were revealed.
Square Enix revealed some game details regarding the upcoming Final Fantasy 15 which shall include a new combat system, use of magic, summons, and a possible character return. Furthermore, a new demo of the game might also come out.
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