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'Pretty Little Liars' Season 5 spoilers: 'A' to be revealed by the end of the season? Mona sends messages from beyond the grave, tells Liars to find her
Season 5 promises to deliver intense suspense and drama for the Liars. Will A finally be revealed? Will the Liars find Mona's body? Why is she texting them from beyond the grave?
"The Voice" Season 8 Latest Updates: Casting Auditions commences this January; Diva Christina Aguilera sits back on her throne
Season 8 of The Voice USA is about to take off this February 23, 2015. Know the latest issues about the cast and auditions details of this favorite franchise.
‘Better Call Saul’ Latest News Update: Actor speaks up in his role as the sleazy lawyer from “Breaking Bad”; Series entails Jimmy Morgan McGill plot
“Better Call Saul” will air its premiere episode on February 8 and 9. The spin-off series from “Breaking Bad” shows the history of the shady Attorney.
'Resident Evil' Review: Game Series in Spencer Mansion, Raccoon City with HD Remaster Edition relive thrills; Screen ratio unveiled
Resident Evil, the first in the game franchise that swept over several platforms, is now in rich HD promising to make a more nerve racking experience for players young and old.