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Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date Leaked Online Ahead of Square Enix's Announcement at Japan D23 Expo in November
The much awaited announcement of Kingdom Hearts 3 release date and other interesting details are yet anticipated to be revealed by Square Enix at the upcoming D23 Expo Japan in November. However, a new leak as to when the game has been tipped to fans this early from a leaked email forwarded by Amazon to a user revealing the game's change in schedule of release.
‘The BFG’ movie signals DreamWorks and Disney divorce; Steven Spielberg to leave DreamWorks name behind?
'The BFG' is embroiled in the Disney-DreamWorks separation that is reported to happen August 2016. Aside from leaving Disney, the Spielberg-headed studio may also leave its trademark name behind.
Skype 6.4 for Android Update Delivers Notable Android Wear Integration
Download the latest Skype update for Android today! The all-new Skype 6.4 for Android update brings integration with Android Wear devices.
Tim Gunn Trashes Anna Wintour’s 'Bad Behavior'
Tim Gunn disses Anna Wintour's bad behavior in lieu with his remarks in the 'Meredith Vieira' show. The fashion guru does not want to retract anything from what he had said about her and even commented everything he said were all true.