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"Frozen 2" Updates: Elsa Won't Die But Will Find Love; The Ice Queen Might Go Back To Being Child Again

"Frozen 2" official plot has not released yet and fans are thrilled with many possibilities that might happen to the well loved sisters. Elsa is unlikely to die and might even find a romantic love story. She might also turn to being a child again.

Huawei challenges high-end phone makers Apple, Samsung with flagship Mate S featuring Knuckle Sense

Huawei plans to take on giants Apple and Samsung in the high-end phone market with their new Mate S. The device features Knuckle Sense force touch technology and is expected to improve sales and create good customer perception of Huawei's products.

Gotta catch ‘em all for real: Pokemon Go 2016 for Android, iOS uses smartwatch to catch Pokemon in real world

Nintendo, Niantics, and The Pokemon Company bring Android and iOS users a new virtual reality mobile game known as Pokemon Go in 2016. Players can operate the game with a smartwatch to catch Pokemon in the real world.

Quick fixes for Google Hangouts 4.0 chat glitch; Will Google solve issue on next update?

Users have complained of a glitch in Hangouts 4.0 that makes it difficult to chat with friends. Since Google has not yet offered solutions, Android Police suggests some temporary quick fixes for the bug.

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Downton Abbey bids farewell on its season 6. Trailer and spoilers were recently released. The just released poignant trailer for the final season of Downton Abbey will likely bring its viewers to tears.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and Galaxy S6 units on Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular & Verizon are now heading to Android 6.0 Marshmallow soon. Meanwhile, AT&T is still stuck with Android 5.0.2 Lollipop software version.
Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and Galaxy S6 owners on AT&T are now eagerly waiting for the carrier to push the software update to its units. Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular and Verizon have already updated the 5.1.1 Lollipop.
Google has released a new update with the entire Nexus smartphones lineup. This security-focused OTA update is expected to tweak and fix minor bugs.
LG is reportedly skipping the Android 5.1.1 Lollipop update for one of its flagship smartphones G2. LG is expected to release the Android 6.0 Marshmallow rollout to G2 units of AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular and Verizon.
It's official, Apple confirms the release date of its newest mobile operating system. iOS 9 will be available on September 16, which includes powerful built-in applications and improved Siri features.
LG is expected to skip the Android 5.1.1 Lollipop update for one of its flagship smartphones G3 for Android 6.0 Marshmallow. Mobile carriers are too are on the verge of preparing for their native update to incorporate with Marshmallow.
Plus-size model Ashley Graham gave her reaction about Youtube star Nicole Arbour's "fat shame" video. Graham says she's an advocate for women in all shapes and sizes.
This year, Walt Disney officially announced the production of a sequel for the succesful "Frozen" movie. Alongside the announcement, different rumors about the plot is circulating around.
LG has been reported to skip the final Lollipop update and head straight to Android 6.0 Marshmallow. While some of its mid-range tablets and smartphones already received 5.1.1, G4 is among the flagship devices to get Marshmallow.
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