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'Daredevil' Season 2 Spoilers: The coming of the Punisher, more Villains, and Romance?
"Daredevil" season 2 is rumored to bring new characters, new challenges, new villains and most of all, a romance that the fans have been hoping for. The question is will it occur or will it not.
'Supergirl’ Review: Melissa Benoist’s role and the things that make Supergirl Beautiful and Much More!
"Supergirl" is a unique offering of CBS that will show a different side of Krypton. The new series will indeed captivate the world as they see Kara saved the day.
'Dota 2' Reborn in Valve's Source 2 Engine; Redesigned Dashboard, Bigger Tournaments, Other Changes
Valve has now launched “Dota 2 Reborn” update running in a more enhanced Source 2 engine. Among its host of features include a redesigned dashboard, tournaments, among others.
Shigeru Miyamoto Confirms 'Super Mario Bros. 3' Is All a Play, Other Myths Busted
The theory about “Super Mario Bros. 3” as just a stage performance was revealed by the game’s creator Shigeru Miyamoto as true. Other myths about the game were also crashed by Miyamoto via a Twitter video.